Monday, February 25, 2008

Ice cream is good.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

An Equation

(School + Work) / Time = No Social Life

This should not be surprising

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Des Lunettes

Des Lunettes are glasses, not eyebrows.

I'll lose a couple of points on a French test for that one.

But lunettes... little moons! Like eyebrows!

...or glasses.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Obligatory Stupid First Post

Did you know?


Alright, glad we've gotten that out of the way.

First lesson: Jacques Cartier

Facts: He was the guy that "discovered" the St. Lawrence in 1534.

He named the Gulf of St. Lawrence because it was St. Lawrence day when he first sailed into it.

He also named the land Canada, after thinking the word kanata, which means village, was what they called the whole of the land.

Impressive feat of silliness: Erected a 30 ft tall cross, claiming the land for Francis I, then kidnapped an Iroquois chief's two sons on his way back to France.

Went back... visited what is now Quebec City and Montreal, wintered, lost some men to scurvy.

Overall, did some good exploring.

Coolest Coincidence: the site of the Jacques Cartier Bridge over the St. Lawrence is the same site where he first landed in 1535 on his second voyage.

Le savez-vous?